Tuesday, September 25, 2007

okay men on a power trip...

So say I decide to go 80 in the left lane on 35 through downtown Dallas because I'm late for work. Is it your job, Mr. I drive a huge truck to cut me off going 55 cause you think I'm going too fast? NO IT'S NOT! Your job is to stay in the right lane and say things like "damn kids" or "I hope she gets a ticket" You are not a cop so stop wasting my effing time but cutting me off then when I go around you mouth a few choice words in my direction. Stay in the right hand lane or I will pull in front of you and stop and let you pay for me a new car!

1 comment:

Erin said...

You are funny! My mom likes to think she is a police officer and pulls in front of people and slams on her brakes!