Thursday, August 9, 2007


Okay so right after my first blog last night I decided I was hungry, I hadn't eaten dinner and it was kind of late so I thought I'll make eggs... they're so easy right? WRONG!
I get an egg and lay it on the counter, for those of you who don't know eggs roll, and this one lived up to it's expectation cause it rolled right off the counter and onto the floor... behind the REFRIGERATOR!!! How in the world can I get to it!?!?! So I have a galley kitchen for those that's don't know what that is it's a hallway with cabinets on either side... it's the dumbest waste of space in the world. so I move the fridge out as far as it will go before it hits the other side, jump up on the counter, and try to jump down in a small space without tripping on the wires and filtration system all the while not trying to step in the egg. I finally get it cleaned up. jump back up on the counter as i do this i put my hand in the nasty egg goop i had just cleaned up. so i raise up really quick and hit my head on the cabinets above me.... i'm an idiot i know just thought you guys would like that


Erin said...

Oh, giggle! I wish I was a fly on the wall to watch that. If only your life was more simple, what would you do with the rest of your time?

Tess said...

OK, do you have a cat? Because this sounds like the perfect job for Animal Not Human.

Also, I would like to know how you single-handedly moved your fridge! I would have given up until my husband got home.

Misty said...

I hate it when I am hungry and everything seems to be going wrong. I wanted to say thanks for coming by and visiting! Come again, please do.

Flibberty said...

I have done things like that, and actually wound up crying and sitting on the kitchen floor for an extended period of time. I've decided that only really smart people have really dumb things happen to them. It's probably not true, but it's comforting.